If you are a registered user, please log in and select “Buy Courses” from your personal homepage. Click on “Show Online Courses Approved by State” and select your state from the drop-down list. This action will display the courses currently approved in the selected state. OR select the “More Search Options” button and use the “Search Courses approved in Multiple States” feature. Use this search feature if you are licensed in more than one state.
If you do not have an account you can still check to see the ChiroCredit courses approved in your state. To see courses approved in your state, please click on the State Approvals tab at the top of the webpage.
You will be brought to a new page to select your profession.
After selecting your profession, you will then select the state.
This will bring you the state approval page which identifies continuing education requirements, and the number of state-approved courses found in our site.
If you are a registered user, please log in and select “Buy Courses” from your personal homepage.
Click on “Show Online Courses Approved by State” and select your state from the drop-down list.
This action will display the courses currently approved in the selected state.
You can also select the “More Search Options” button
This will allow you to use the “Search Courses approved in Multiple States” feature. Use this search feature if you are licensed in more than one state.