Registering for ChiroCredit takes just a few simple steps:
- Start by clicking on the Login link in the horizontal navigation bar.
2. Click on the REGISTER button
3. Select your profession from the drop-down list, fill in the fields for First Name, Last Name, and Email, and click “Continue Registration”
4. Fill in all fields on the registration page. Watch the form as you change entry fields for any errors or messages.
5. Review our Terms of Service and click on the "I Accept" button on the bottom of the page
When you see the "Thank you for registering" message, simply use the username and password you selected during registration to login. The page you come to after logging in is called your Personal Homepage.
• If the system returns that your license number or email is already in the database, please stop and reach out to our support team as you are likely already in our database
• A common situation is if the username you selected is already in our database. Please select another username.